Chinese character → Cantonese Pinyin Converter Update Infomation

July 1, 2024

Thank you for always using Hong Kong Vision.
This time, we have updated the “Chinese character → Cantonese Pinyin Converter “.

The update contents are as follows.
Notes: The Cantonese pronunciation symbols within this page are indicated using the Yale method (numbers) as an example.

①Improved conversion speed

The processing for converting input Chinese character text into pronunciation symbols has been improved. Compared to before, the conversion speed has been improved, especially for longer texts.

②Improved conversion accuracy

Along with an increase in the number of words recognized and changes to the recognition algorithm, the conversion accuracy to pronunciation symbols has been improved.

pronunciation symbols can now also be accurately converted even for Chinese characters with multiple readings, such as “愈~愈…” and “出院”, as well as when used in combination with other words, such as “出咗院”.

For example, when “出咗院” is inputted, it accurately converts the pronunciation symbol for “院” to “cheut1 jo2 yun2”, and when “愈練愈叻” is inputted, it accurately converts the pronunciation symbol for “愈” to “yut6 lin6 yut6 lek1”.

③Supports the conversion of English words

When English words used in Cantonese are inputted, they can now be converted into Cantonese pronunciation symbols.

For example, when “Shopping” is inputted, the pronunciation symbol “shot1 ping4” is displayed, and when “order” is inputted, “o1 da2” is displayed.

④Supports the conversion of numbers

Pronunciation symbols are now converted when Arabic numerals are inputted.

If conversion is not necessary, checking the option “Arabic numerals are not converted to phonetic symbols.” will allow you to set it so that Arabic numerals are not converted into pronunciation symbols.

⑤Supports “CJK Compatibility Ideographs”

Words can now be recognized and converted into pronunciation symbols even when Chinese characters from “CJK Compatibility Ideographs” are inputted.

⑥Supports each type of font

Words can now be recognized and converted into pronunciation symbols even in sentences where “Traditional chinese characters”, “Simplified chinese characters”, and “Shinjitai” are mixed.

Additionally, words can also be recognized and converted into pronunciation symbols even when variant characters are inputted.

Hong Kong Vision


広東語 唔通
発音m4 tung1


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